

If you are contemplating selling your property over the next twelve months, now is a good time to try and secure some good, professional photographs. In fact, there is probably about a month left before the sun drops too low, shadows get too long, and the leaves start falling. For waterside property, there are still boats on the moorings, but in about six weeks, those harbours will look emptier, colder and less attractive.

Contrary to popular belief, there is often still a very good market in Cornwall for sellers right through the winter. There is much less supply of available property through the winter months, but still plenty of buyers around, so sometimes prices can harden too, but in order to be able to sell (well) in the winter, one does need photographs of the property looking its best in the summer sunshine.

If you miss the next four-week window for photography, it could be next May before the opportunity arises, when the trees turn green again, and harbours fill up with colour.

Once you have secured the photographs, it also means that whenever you decide to sell, you can launch to the market without delay, at any time of the year.

Seize the moment. Click!